Fablyn Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


dr. friedrich eberth arzneimittel gmbh - lasofoxifene tartrate - l-osteoporożi, il-menopawża - - ormoni tas-sess u modulaturi ta ' l-ġenitali-sistema, - fablyn huwa indikat għat-trattament ta 'l-osteoporożi f'nisa wara l-menopawża b'riskju akbar ta' ksur. Ġie muri tnaqqis sinifikanti fl-inċidenza ta 'ksur vertebrali u mhux vertebrali iżda mhux fratturi tal-ġenb (ara sezzjoni 5. meta jiddeterminaw l-għażla ta ' fablyn jew terapiji oħra, inkluż l-estroġenu, għal mara wara l-menopawża, għandha tingħata konsiderazzjoni lill-sintomi tal-menopawsa, l-effetti fuq l-utru u tas-sider-tessuti, u kardjovaskulari ir-riskji u l-benefiċċji (ara sezzjoni 5.

Potactasol Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


actavis group ptc ehf - topotecan - uterine cervical neoplasms; small cell lung carcinoma - aġenti antineoplastiċi - topotecan monotherapy is indicated for the treatment of:- patients with metastatic carcinoma of the ovary after failure of first-line or subsequent therapy- patients with relapsed small cell lung cancer (sclc) for whom re-treatment with the first-line regimen is not considered appropriate (see section 5. topotecan flimkien ma ' cisplatin huwa indikat għall-pazjenti b'karċinoma taċ-ċerviċi rikorrenti wara radjuterapija u għall-pazjenti bil-marda fl-istadju ivb. patients with prior exposure to cisplatin require a sustained treatment free interval to justify treatment with the combination (see section 5.

Xalkori Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - crizotinib - karċinoma, pulmun mhux taċ-Ċellula Żgħira - aġenti antineoplastiċi - xalkori as monotherapy is indicated for:the first‑line treatment of adults with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (alk)‑positive advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (nsclc)the treatment of adults with previously treated anaplastic lymphoma kinase (alk)‑positive advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (nsclc)the treatment of adults with ros1‑positive advanced non‑small cell lung cancer (nsclc)the treatment of paediatric patients (age ≥6 to.

Adenuric Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


menarini international operations luxembourg s.a. (miol) - febuxostat - gotta - preparazzjonijiet antigout - 80 mg saħħa:it-trattament ta'iperuriċemija kronika f'kundizzjonijiet fejn il-depożizzjoni ta ' urate diġà seħħet (inkluż passat, jew preżenza ta tophus u/jew l-artrite tal-gotta). adenuric huwa indikat fl-adulti. 120 mg saħħa:adenuric huwa indikat għat-trattament ta'iperuriċemija kronika f'kundizzjonijiet fejn il-depożizzjoni ta ' urate diġà seħħet (inkluż passat, jew preżenza ta tophus u/jew l-artrite tal-gotta). adenuric huwa indikat għall-prevenzjoni u t-trattament ta'l-iperuriċemija f'pazjenti adulti li għaddejjin minn kimoterapija għal tumuri malinni ematoloġiċi fil-intermedjarju u għoli tar-riskju tas-sindrome tal-lisi tat-tumur (tls). adenuric huwa indikat fl-adulti.

Betmiga Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astellas pharma europe b.v. - mirabegron - bużżieqa ta 'l-awrina, Żejjed - uroloġiċi - trattament sintomatiku ta 'urġenza. Żieda fil-frekwenza biex tgħaddi l-awrina u / jew urġenza ta ' nkontinenza kif jistgħu jseħħu f'pazjenti adulti bil-attiva żżejjed-sindromu tal-bużżieqa.

Briviact (in Italy: Nubriveo) Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

briviact (in italy: nubriveo)

ucb pharma sa - brivaracetam - epilessija - anti-epilettiċi, - briviact huwa indikat bħala terapija aġġuntiva fit-trattament ta 'aċċessjonijiet ta' bidu parzjali bi jew mingħajr ġeneralizzazzjoni sekondarja f'pazjenti adulti u adolexxenti minn 16-il sena b'epilessija.

Neupro Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ucb pharma s.a. - rotigotine - restless legs syndrome; parkinson disease - mediċini kontra l-parkinson - marda ta 'parkinson: neupro huwa indikat għat-trattament tas-sinjali u s-sintomi ta' marda ta 'parkinson idjopatika fi stadju bikri bħala monoterapija (i. mingħajr levodopa) jew flimkien ma 'levodopa, i. matul il-kors tal-marda, permezz li stadji tard meta l-effett ta ' ticlopidine hydrochloride wears off jew issir inkonsistenti u l-oxxillazzjonijiet ta ' l-effett terapewtiku jiġru (tmiem ta ' l-oxxillazzjonijiet doża jew "fuq off"). kwiet-sindrome tas-saqajn: neupro huwa indikat għall-kura sintomatika ta moderata għal severa idjopatika kwiet-sindrome tas-saqajn fl-adulti.

Nordimet Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


nordic group b.v. - methotrexate - arthritis, psoriatic; psoriasis; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; arthritis, rheumatoid - aġenti antineoplastiċi - nordimet is indicated for the treatment of:active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients,polyarthritic forms of severe, active juvenile idiopathic arthritis (jia), when the response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) has been inadequate,moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults who are candidates for systemic therapy, and severe psoriatic arthritis in adult patients, induction of remission in moderate steroid-dependent crohn's disease in adult patients, in combination with corticosteroids and for maintenance of remission, as monotherapy, in patients who have responded to methotrexate.

Noxafil Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp and dohme b.v - posaconazole - candidiasis; mycoses; coccidioidomycosis; aspergillosis - antimikotiċi għal użu sistemiku - noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil gastro-resistant tablets are indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections  4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil gastro-resistant tablets are also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2 years of age weighing more than 40 kg and adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosisnoxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following adult and paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease (gvhd) and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil gastro resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in paediatric patients from 2 years of age (see sections 4. 2 u 5. 1):- invasive aspergillosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products;- fusariosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b or in patients who are intolerant of amphotericin b;- chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma in patients with disease that is refractory to itraconazole or in patients who are intolerant of itraconazole;- coccidioidomycosis in patients with disease that is refractory to amphotericin b, itraconazole or fluconazole or in patients who are intolerant of these medicinal products. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil gastro-resistant powder and solvent for oral suspension is indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following paediatric patients from 2  years of age:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- haematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high  risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil oral suspension for use in oropharyngeal candidiasis.  noxafil oral suspension is indicated for use in the treatment of the following fungal infections in adults (see section 5. 1): il - każ tal-asperġillożi invażiva f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b jew itraconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal dawn il-prodotti mediċinali; l - fusarjożi f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal amphotericin b;- kromoblastomikożi u miċetoma f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal itraconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal itraconazole;- kokkidajojdomikożi f'pazjenti b'mard li hu refrattarju għal amphotericin b, itraconazole jew fluconazole jew f'pazjenti intolleranti għal dawn il-prodotti mediċinali;- kandidijażi orofarinġali: bħala l-kura preferita f'pazjenti li għandhom mard sever jew li huma immunokompromessi, li r-rispons għal terapija topika hija mistennija li tkun fqir. ir-refrattorjetà hija definita bħala l-progressjoni tal-infezzjoni jew nuqqas ta 'titjib wara minimu ta' 7 ijiem ta 'dożi terapewtiċi preċedenti ta' terapija antifungali effettiva. noxafil oral suspension is also indicated for prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections in the following patients:- patients receiving remission-induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (aml) or myelodysplastic syndromes (mds) expected to result in prolonged neutropenia and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections;- hematopoietic stem cell transplant (hsct) recipients who are undergoing high-dose immunosuppressive therapy for graft versus host disease and who are at high risk of developing invasive fungal infections. please refer to the summary of product characteristics of noxafil concentrate for solution for infusion and the gastro-resistant tablets for use in primary treatment of invasive aspergillosis.

Xyrem Unia Europejska - maltański - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


ucb pharma ltd - sodium oxybate - cataplexy; narcolepsy - drogi oħra tas-sistema nervuża - kura tan-narkolessija bil-kataplessija f'pazjenti adulti.